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Chook Coop

In 2017, we first thought about buying chooks, but we weren’t giving it much thought yet. The Year Sixes had done a lot of work on the veggie garden so our next phase was animals. In 2018, the Year Fives and Sixes started a sustainability group with their Prep and Grade One buddies. We divided into three groups with our buddies: the Worm Warriors, who are working on the worm farm, the Frog Boggers, who are making a frog bog, and the Travelling Chooks, who are working on the chicken coop. We have dug the foundations and put in the poles. Soon we will be attaching the wire. We are doing this because we need the manure and the eggs, it will help us be more sustainable and give us the opportunity for more responsibility. One year later we have made this coop for our lovely chooks.

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